PRIDE 2020: ANCHORED BY LOVE / by jami milne


“My craft became my activism.” - Gilbert Baker, creator of the Rainbow Flag in 1978.

I started research on the pride flag and was enamored with the history. The story of a young man from Parsons, Kansas, who’d go on to meet Harvey Milk, weaving in nods to Judy Garland and Allen Ginsburg. The original flag, consisted of eight colors, representing sex, life, healing, sunlight, nature, magic/art, serenity and spirit. Yes. Please.

I am honored to be an ally to the LGBTQ community. In fact, honored doesn’t even hold the right weight. I feel incredibly lucky, grateful and proud to wave the pride flag, acknowledging the iconic weight of raising these colors and this community. And as an ode to Baker, I’ll keep finding ways to use my craft(s) as my activism.

This limited edition print is available for purchase here.

pride in frame.png